Enamelling Workshop – 30 and 31 July 2016
Posted by ndlc on Aug 1, 2016 in News | 0 commentsSeven members of the Club arrived bright and early to create some enamelling masterpieces. The class was made up of some very experienced enamellers who knew what they wished to produce to a couple of very novice beginners who needed assistance with ideas and colours. The Club room was soon a hive of industry and with the kiln nice and hot the pieces started to take shape. The work varied from Dusting, Lumps and Threads, Stencil work, using foils and some very complicated pieces of Cloisonné work. Overall the class seemed very happy with the pieces of enamelling they produced.
- Earrings and Pendants
- Earrings and Pendants
- Pendants
- Pendants